10 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN April/May 2024 LAURA FIELD | NC EVP RUMINATIONS 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 Phone (402) 475-2333 | Fax (402) 475-0822 nc@necattlemen.org | www.nebraskacattlemen.org NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN STAFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT | Laura Field lfield@necattlemen.org VICE PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION ENGAGEMENT | Melody Benjamin VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING | Jeff Stolle DIRECTOR OF MARKETING | John Roberts DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS | Libby Schroeder DIRECTOR OF PRODUCER EDUCATION | Bonita Lederer DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RETENTION | Jessica Rudolph DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RECRUITMENT | Steven Stettner EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | Patty Goes Nebraska Cattleman is published monthly, except for May and July, by the Nebraska Cattlemen, 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 – (402) 475-2333. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGAZINE PRODUCTION: BLUEPRINT MEDIA LLC www.blueprintma.com | ncmag@necattlemen.org EDITOR | Lisa Bard MANAGING EDITOR | Jessie Topp-Becker COPY EDITOR | Larisa Willrett DESIGNER & MATERIALS COORDINATOR | Megan Sajbel Field ADMINISTRATION | Leslie McKibben CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bill Coe | Natalie Jones STATE & REGIONAL ADVERTISING Amber Coleman | (402) 340-1588 acoleman@necattlemen.org NATIONAL ADVERTISING Wendy McFarland | (334) 271-6100 mcfarlandadvantage@gmail.com Working for Nebraska Beef Producers PASTURE TO PLATE TO PLATE NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN VIEW NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN DIGITAL VERSION BY SCANNING THE QR CODE. THE WORLD IS OURS LAURA FIELD | NC EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT I’ve heard it said, “You’re a product of your raising!” As I pondered this month’s musings, I am reflecting on the importance of embracing history when we think of who we are, who we represent and how it all works together. Faith, family, fellowship, advocacy and cattle are some of the key pieces of my life’s puzzle. I can tie all of these to my raising. My parents grew up in agricultural settings, raised by parents who rode horses, raised cattle, worked hard and were influencers in their communities long before anyone knew about influencers. They were friends and neighbors to everyone they met. One of my grandfathers was a preacher and the other a county commissioner. My love of church and faith as well as my magnetism to policy and advocacy are tied directly to them. Both of my grandmothers were incredible cooks and amazing moms; one was a fabulous seamstress and fixer, and one had an eye for fashion and was a master domino player. While not even close to their level, I love to cook, I adore my family, I create in my rare free time, my closet is brimming with clothes and I play a mean game of dominos! All of those parts of me I got from my grandmothers. My parents are the best. One of my dad’s most frequent guidance is, “It doesn’t cost anything extra to be nice.” I hear his voice in my head almost every day when I’m challenged by those who try to divide rather than unite. He is a leader in all he does. My mom was born to be a mom and is patient and forgiving. She told people our house was “lived in” and always opened the door to those who needed a place to land. Family vacations were either cattle shows or trade shows at Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers meetings, which is where my fondness of cattle and associations intersected and grew. My parents modeled partnership in marriage, which was key to me in finding a supportive husband and raising a family of my own. One year ago, my family’s support was key when Nebraska Cattlemen leadership took a chance on me. I strive every day to be better in serving the association’s membership, and as I constantly learn, I think about the words and actions of those who got me where I am today. The ones who raised me, support me, check in on and listen to me, and tolerate me picking them up late from school when I either forget or am running late from a meeting. In 1898 at the organizational meeting of the National Live Stock Association, the predecessor organization of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, J.R. Van Boskirk said, “Indeed it would seem that success, in this age of intense competition and clashing of different interest, comes only from association of those having common interests, followed by cooperation, organization, leadership and attention to details … and the world is ours.” This quote is part of the history of our association of cattle producers; 126 years after Van Boskirk said them, these words still ring true. In this age of different interests, Nebraska Cattlemen will continue to grow as those with common interests organize and lead with attention to the details that matter. The world is ours, and I’m ready for it! ~NC~