24 Nebraska Cattleman August 2023 New Innovations The market is full of products that can help feedlot managers complete their everyday tasks. Whether it’s monitoring cattle, making feeding decisions or managing cattle health, there is a product out there for operations to increase their profitability. The following provides a look at just a few of the many new products on the market for feedlot managers to consider. CattleQuants Drone-Based Inspections: CattleQuants Drone-Based Inspections offers cattle counting by use of their drones to collect images of feedlots and pastures. They simply collect aerial pictures from their drones and process them with AI-powered software that counts cattle. Afterwards, they provide a detailed inventory report. They operate in seven countries and have counted more than 1 million cattle. CattleQuants boasts 99 percent accuracy on feedyard inspections and allows third-party verification. They also offer training for collateral inspectors and ranchers to become certified drone pilots. Micro Technologies Accu-Trac Scale System: The Accu-Trac Scale system is a touchscreen application that merges with existing truck scales to record commodity information. The data is automatically imported into the Accu-Trac feed inventory system. The customizable program can be run by feedlot employees or truck drivers. Since no two operations are the same, the data points can be customized. Users can also combine all the scales onto one server. Merck Animal Health Whisper On Arrival: Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) costs the feedlot industry more than $3 billion annually. Prevention, treatment and loss can add up if BRD hits a feedlot. It can be difficult to detect symptoms before the disease truly has time to set in, especially when new cattle arrive on the lot. Whisper On Arrival is a technology that consists of sound collection devices and an algorithm. It will listen to lung and heart sounds and combine that data with the animal’s temperature and weight. The resulting information will help managers make decisions about BRD. The algorithm will calculate the animal’s risk for BRD and makes treatment recommendations. Merck Animal Health SENSEHUB Feedlot Technology: The SENSEHUB Feedlot Technology helps feedlot managers and employees track sick cattle and treat them earlier. The noninvasive ear tag tracks the animal’s biometrics with sensors equipped with an LED light that identifies cattle that need treatment. This allows feedlot employees to sort those cattle more easily with less labor and stress on the sick animal and those around it. NC INCREASING FEEDLOT EFFICIENCY • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 WE HAVE YOUR BACKS, BARNS AND BOTTOM LINES. LIPHATECH.COM 800.351.1476 WE CARE ABOUT YOU With the most experienced team in the industry, Liphatech Ag has the in-field and on-farm knowledge to provide farmers and producers with expert solutions and care.