August 2023 Nebraska Cattleman 57 to an operation easier. This program encourages leadership and involvement at the local, state and national levels. The Nebraska Cattlemen Foundation also provides scholarships annually to deserving students. Just this year, more than $64,000 in scholarships was awarded (see article on page 42 to learn more). Nebraska Cattlemen represents all sectors of the beef industry, and there is never a shortage of topics to discuss. We value the perspectives and opinions of all who come to the table. The opportunities are vast, and the solutions sometimes take time. Membership is all of us rolling up our sleeves and agreeing that our voices are much more powerful when united rather than divided. Membership is hearing things we may not always want to hear, and embracing the learning and changing that comes with feedback. Membership is supporting our fellow cattlemen and cattlewomen, and working hard to preserve the way of life that is the backbone of our state, our nation and our world. Membership is many things. At Nebraska Cattlemen, we look forward to earning and keeping your membership. If you are a member, thank you! If you EVP • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 are not yet a member, talk to me or a staff or board member about joining our membership. Bring us your concerns and suggestions – we welcome them. Together we will continue to impact change and work diligently to provide value by connecting, advocating, educating and growing the present and future generations of cattle producers. NC NC Events Veterans’ Appreciation with Beef Drafts Since 2009, the Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) Farmer-Stockman Council has sponsored beef drafts for military members on Veterans’ Appreciation Day at the Nebraska State Fair. The NC Farmer-Stockman Council will again honor veterans and active-duty service members in the Beef Pit at the 2023 Nebraska State Fair during the Veteran’s Day celebration. As we come together to honor our military veterans and service members, we need your help! We will be accepting cash donations through Aug. 14, 2023. These donations are used to purchase beef drafts, which are given randomly to our veterans and active-duty service members who eat at the Nebraska Beef Pit at the Nebraska State Fair. Questions can be directed to Bonita Lederer at (402) 450-0223 or NC Spreading It Around is Better By Design. West Point Design (402) 372-2408 2074 S Hwy 275 West Point NE 68788 Horizontal Distributor designed by West Point Design Berma Distributor NEW FEATURE! Power Lift Kit CALL TODAY! Pull Type or Truck Mount Styles 16T to 34T Sizes Available!