10 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN August 2024 LAURA FIELD | NC EVP RUMINATIONS 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 Phone (402) 475-2333 | Fax (402) 475-0822 nc@necattlemen.org | www.nebraskacattlemen.org NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN STAFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT | Laura Field lfield@necattlemen.org VICE PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION ENGAGEMENT | Melody Benjamin VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING | Jeff Stolle DIRECTOR OF MARKETING | John Roberts DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS | Libby Schroeder DIRECTOR OF PRODUCER EDUCATION | Bonita Lederer DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RETENTION | Jessica Rudolph DIRECTOR OF STATE GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS | Matthew Melchor ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER | Kathy Abel Nebraska Cattleman is published monthly, except for May and July, by the Nebraska Cattlemen, 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 – (402) 475-2333. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGAZINE PRODUCTION: BLUEPRINT MEDIA LLC www.blueprintma.com | ncmag@necattlemen.org EDITOR | Lisa Bard MANAGING EDITOR | Jessie Topp-Becker COPY EDITOR | Larisa Willrett DESIGNER & MATERIALS COORDINATOR | Megan Sajbel Field ADMINISTRATION | Leslie McKibben CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bill Coe | Natalie Jones STATE & REGIONAL ADVERTISING Amber Coleman | (402) 340-1588 acoleman@necattlemen.org NATIONAL ADVERTISING Wendy McFarland | (334) 271-6100 mcfarlandadvantage@gmail.com Working for Nebraska Beef Producers PASTURE TO PLATE TO PLATE NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN VIEW NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN DIGITAL VERSION BY SCANNING THE QR CODE. THE HEARTBEAT OF NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN LAURA FIELD | NC EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT “Thank you for your membership!” This is the way I begin all speaking engagements or any gathering that includes Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) members. This opening comment is usually followed by, “And if you’re not a member, come talk to me before you leave so I can talk to you about joining.” Membership is the heartbeat of Nebraska Cattlemen. Members set the association’s priorities and ignite the fire to create change and move the association forward. A thriving and vibrant membership helps fulfill our mission – “Working for beef producers – pasture to plate.” The 2021-2025 Nebraska Cattlemen Strategic Plan was developed before I started in the role as NC executive vice president. I reviewed a copy when I submitted my application for the position, and I’ve spent time thinking about and discussing it with staff, leadership and members. Member Relations and Engagement is one of the three key pillars in the current strategic plan, which is divided into three focuses for each pillar: MUST, SHOULD and WON’T. Since a strategic plan is a living, breathing document that can be adjusted and molded over time, it is important for NC leadership and staff to keep these things in mind as we work to keep the association growing. Outlined under the plan’s Member Relations and Engagement section, highlights include that NC MUST continually work to improve the value of the organization to its members; SHOULD improve avenues for members to engage with the association; and WON’T be afraid of eliminating old ways, be wary of new opportunities or be complacent. These are key statements for the association’s success, and I’m thankful for the thought and time that went into developing the current strategic plan. Soon it will be time to start working on the next five years, and these metrics will be an important part of where we go from here. I spend time every day thinking about Nebraska Cattlemen membership and what an awesome responsibility it is to work with and for the members 365 days a year. The staff and I listen to member feedback and talk often about what we are doing well and what we can do better, and we challenge each other to bring big and bold ideas to the table as we plan. In reading about successful organizations, a top-line focus is always the value story. Members of associations and organizations are usually united by an interest, profession or industry. These groups have many different types of members with focuses in different areas within the association. I recently read an article that said, “Smart associations not only focus on the value membership delivers – the ʻvalue proposition’ – but also talk to the member segments in unique and personal ways.” We want to hear from you. Your opinions about membership matter, and I encourage you to share your feedback with me and with the staff and leadership. The value story of Nebraska Cattlemen is important to the success of the beef industry, and as we continue to grow and evolve, your perspectives are key. Thank you for your membership, and if you’re not a member, reach out for a visit with us! ~NC~