6 Nebraska Cattleman December 2023 The Nebraska Cattleman magazine is published for and by the Nebraska Cattlemen association. PRODUCTION BluePrint Media LLC (970) 222-7422 PO Box 427 | Timnath, CO 80547 Editor | Lisa Bard Managing Editor | Jessie Topp-Becker Copy Editor | Larisa Willrett Designer | Megan Sajbel Field Materials Coordinator | Megan Sajbel Field Administration | Leslie McKibben CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bill Coe | Kristian Rennert Meghan Anderson | Bob Rooney STATE REGIONAL ADVERTISING Amber Coleman Mobile (402) 340-1588 acoleman@necattlemen.org NATIONAL ADVERTISING McFarland AdVantage | Wendy McFarland (334) 652-9080 McFarlandAdVantage@gmail.com LINCOLN 4611 Cattle Drive | Lincoln, NE 68521 (402) 475-2333 | NCmag@necattlemen.org LAKESIDE 1179 296th Trail | Lakeside, NE 69351 (308) 760-6464 Nebraska Cattleman is published monthly, except for May and July, by the Nebraska Cattlemen, 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 – (402) 475-2333. Manuscripts and advertisements are welcome. Nebraska Cattlemen reserves the right to edit and refuse advertisements. Readers are welcome to submit letters to the editor. Full name and address of writer must accompany all letters. Letters are accepted with the understanding that they may be condensed to fit the magazine format and edited for accuracy and clarity. Letters contain the opinion of the writer and not that of the Nebraska Cattlemen. Nebraska Cattleman You can get Nebraska Cattleman via email. Receive each issue even before the Post O ice ships the printed edition. Just send an email to us at NCmag@necattlemen.org and put “Email NC Magazine” in the subject line. We assure you we will not share your email address with anyone! Please visit our website www.nebraskacattlemen.org EVP Perspective By Laura Field NC Executive Vice President Giving Thanks My sister recently sent me a very funny photo message on Instagram showing text messages between family members asking, “Are you coming home for Thanksgiving?” and “What are your plans for Christmas?” These texts usually start in our family about September, and as much as my sister and I giggled about this, I don’t think our mom will appreciate our finding humor in this post. The seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas are such an important time to reflect on gifts and blessings in our lives. A few years ago, we created a “gratitude board” in our house. For a month, each of us took colored paper and shared one thing we were grateful for daily. I remind myself every year not to wait until Thanksgiving to find a reason to celebrate that for which I am thankful. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seems to get shorter every year. At Nebraska Cattlemen (NC), this period of time is a very important one for our membership as we hold the association’s annual convention. The three days are packed with information, policy setting, membership, education and great times with great people. From breakout sessions to celebrating top membership recruiters to the market update breakfast and the trade show reception showcasing exceptional vendors and sponsors, there is something for everyone. I hope you plan to join us in Kearney. One of the most important functions of the NC Convention is discussing and adopting policy. Each of the six NC policy committees meets to discuss matters in the purview of the committee. This is very important work as the decisions made in each committee put the policy in place that the association will stand on in supporting or opposing legislative efforts during 2024. Each voice and perspective is important to the success and effectiveness of Nebraska Cattlemen. Make sure you plan to attend the closing business session to cast your vote for new leadership and the policy recommendations. Fellowship with friends and fellow cattle producers happens the entire time at convention, but the closing banquet highlights the great work and successes of the year as we recognize leadership and award winners for the Hall of Fame and Industry Service awards. As I reflect on 2023 and the nine months I’ve been on staff at Nebraska Cattlemen, I continue to be grateful for the opportunity to serve. The support, guidance and partnership with so many of you is tremendous, and I look forward to being out in Nebraska to meet and converse with you in 2024. I especially want to thank the hard-working, talented NC staff who have certainly weathered much change in 2023. They put their all into the greatness of the association. The support of the leadership and board of directors has been unmatched. Thank you for your patience, wisdom and words of encouragement. I would be remiss for not specifically thanking Steve and Susan Hanson. From calls at all hours of the day to laughs and frustrations making decisions, I could always count on Steve to end a call with kind words, and the smiles and hugs from both Susan and Steve are second to none! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and holiday season and continued prosperity in 2024! NC