30 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN December 2024 December 2023 Nebr. Cattlemen 1/2 Page 7.25” x 4.875” www.dodgemfg.com Call Today! 402-693-2221 Brute Bud Tub 1915 as the first time Christmas lights were hung in the courtyard, a site for community members to behold and the first year of the Minden Christmas light tradition. “Think of that time, an open prairie, the trees still so small and the sky so dark. When people drove their Model T’s into town for church on Saturday nights, what a vision those lights likely were,” Hultquist says. The tradition continued each year in the courtyard and then, in December of 1922, Haws extended the display’s reach to include commuters passing by train four blocks away. To do this, Haws added four strings of colored lights on the city’s courthouse, running from the top of the flagpole to the top of the large dome, then to the corners of the building. Other lights were also placed directly on the courthouse’s large dome, and a set of lights in the shape of a large Christmas bell were added to each side of the building. From the small domes, lights were added along the top edge of the roof and strings of lights going to a power pole at each corner of the courtyard. “Since Minden now had better electric power and wiring, lights were placed around the square on each side of the street. Those numerous lights produced a bright, colorful glow never before seen by those both near and far,” Hultquist says. “This is why during the Christmas season of 1922 and 1923, passenger trains slowed up and some even stopped as they passed through Minden. What a colorful glow against the dark sky.” According to a 1936 edition of Nebraska Farmer, “Transcontinental trains slow down so that passengers may catch a glimpse of the magnificent display that has brought recognition and honor to this little town of 1,700 people and earned for it the well-deserved designation, ʻThe Christmas City.’” As wiring and electric lights continued to evolve over the years, Haws’ display kept expanding and more lights continued to be added. More city-wide events have been added to build upon the city’s holiday reputation. For example, in 1946, the “Light of the World” Christmas pageant began to coincide with the illumination of the lights. The pageant, which still takes place today, features the Christmas story performed by community members. “The Christmas lights on the courthouse and around the square are just one of the many things that makes Minden ʻThe Christmas City’,” says Josh Jorgensen, Minden Chamber of Commerce executive director. “We invite everyone of all ages to come visit and experience the overwhelming magic that happens on a chilled night that is lit up by the thousands of lights. As it did over 100 years ago, it still ceases to amaze today.” Taking the vision that Haws had for a city’s hub and a special building within, the community has ensured the tradition continues to share the spirit of the Christmas season for those near and far. ~NC~ LIGHTS TO BEHOLD CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29