
8 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN December 2024 NC BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Jerry Kuenning*, Lemoyne, (308) 883-8382 PRESIDENT-ELECT: Dick Pierce*, Miller, (308) 440-2489 VICE PRESIDENT: Craig Uden*, (308) 325-0285 TREASURER: Laura Field, Lincoln, (402) 475-2333 SECRETARY: Melody Benjamin, Lakeside, (308) 760-6464 PAST PRESIDENT: Steve Hanson*, Elsie, (308) 289-0225 MEMBER SERVICES VICE CHAIR BY REGION 1 – Jaclyn Wilson, Lakeside, (308) 762-3196 2 – Kat Kennedy, Purdum, (308) 645-7036 3 – Allan Louthan, Stanton, (402) 841-6601 4 – John Ecklund, Atkinson, (408) 602-5905 5 – Scott Reynolds, Berwyn, (308) 870-0970 6 – Chuck Graff, Ogallala, (308) 289-5841 7 – Heath Clausen, Leigh, (402) 750-4433 8 – Allen Bruntz, Friend, (402) 525-2651 9 – Shannon Peterson, Gothenburg, (308) 529-2116 COW-CALF COUNCIL CHAIR: Travis Chrisman, Wauneta, (308) 883-6781 VICE CHAIR: Jake Johnson, Hastings, (402) 984-8824 FARMER-STOCKMAN COUNCIL CHAIR: Marc Hanson, Morrowville, Kan., (402) 729-7174 VICE CHAIR: Dwight Dam, Hooper, (402) 720-4250 FEEDLOT COUNCIL CHAIR: Ryan Danehey, Manhattan, Kan., (308) 440-8267 VICE CHAIR: Daron Huyser, Lexington, (308) 233-4368 SEEDSTOCK COUNCIL CHAIR: Reiss Bruning, Bruning, (402) 768-3332 VICE CHAIR: James Felt, Wakefield, (402) 287-2488 ALLIED INDUSTRIES COUNCIL Jake Pullen, Aurora, (308) 380-9040 ~ COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP ~ ANIMAL HEALTH AND NUTRITION CHAIR: Jared Walahoski*, Overton, (308) 746-1965 CHAIR-ELECT: Jeff Heldt, Scottsbluff, (308) 641-5781 BRAND AND PROPERTY RIGHTS CHAIR: Brock Terrell, Hay Springs, (308) 430-1213 CHAIR-ELECT: Matt Blackford, Brownlee, (402) 322-1377 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH CHAIR: Marcus Urban, Leigh, (402) 276-3830 CHAIR-ELECT: Suzanne Jagels, Davenport, (402) 469-3374 MARKETING AND COMMERCE CHAIR: Joe Eisenmenger, Humphrey, (402) 920-0665 CHAIR-ELECT: Chance McLean, Stromsburg, (402) 366-2254 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT CHAIR: Eric Hansen*, North Platte, (308) 530-3899 CHAIR-ELECT: Sam Drinnin, Grand Island, (402) 910-0233 TAXATION CHAIR: Scott Peterson, Valentine, (402) 322-0225 CHAIR-ELECT: Steve Sunderman, Norfolk, (402) 750-0149 MEMBER SERVICES CHAIR: Jim Edwards, Ord, (308) 750-0881 NEBRASKA LIVESTOCK MARKETING ASSOCIATION REP. Bryce Dibbern, Interior, S.D., (308) 293-7766 UNL EXTENSION REPRESENATIVE Erin Laborie, Beaver City, (419) 494-3872 UNL REPRESENTATIVE Deb VanOverbeke, Lincoln, (402) 714-5879 * member of the Executive & Finance Committee INSIGHTS LIFE GOES FASTER WHEN YOU’RE HAVING FUN JERRY KUENNING | LEMOYNE NC PRESIDENT As I sit down to write this article, it seems like only yesterday I was giving my acceptance speech at last year’s convention. I must honestly say it has been a very enjoyable year for me. Oh, it has gotten hectic and I’ve caught myself being tired at times, but it’s been enjoyable. People have asked me what the biggest surprise was since assuming the Nebraska Cattlemen presidency. Probably the one thing that comes back to me each and every day is the amount of time and work that the staff, membership and my family put in to make everything happen that needs to happen to make Nebraska Cattlemen the No. 1 commodity organization in Nebraska. The staff is simply programmed to succeed. I don’t think we realize the hours the staff puts in. It wasn’t uncommon for phone calls and texts to occur before 5 a.m. and after 9 p.m. This reminds us of our own operations, doesn’t it? It’s one thing to put in hours, but another to produce quality output. I feel the quality of work is very impressive. Next comes the membership. WOW! I can honestly say that, considering all the phone calls I received, they all carried the theme of wanting to make Nebraska Cattlemen a better organization. If you are not a member, please think about it strongly. Do yourself a favor and become a member! You will not find the return on investment for your membership dollars in anything else you do. During the special legislative session this year, it was obvious we didn’t get everything we wanted, but we stood strong and solid. Many members called and wanted more tax relief, but it just wasn’t there to be had. The board meetings were so impressive. Good decisions were made with positive attitudes present at all times. The other group I want to spotlight is my family and employees. They worked hard to keep everything fed and watered and the zerks greased. What I really mean is, they took care of the little things as well as the big things. It did my heart good to see my oldest grandson and two oldest granddaughters helping wean calves and running the grain cart during corn and bean harvest. I’ve learned that just because we did it that way last year doesn’t mean that it is the best way of doing things, or that we need to continue doing it that way this year. I could not have served as president without my family taking care of the home operation. To them I say thank you with much love and appreciation. Our home operation is in good hands in the future years – just like Nebraska Cattlemen is. As we look forward, let us continue to find solutions to the issues that plague our industry. Our chores are never done. To all of you, I say thank you so much for the opportunity to serve all of you. In closing I hope to see each of you in Kearney at the Younes Convention Center, Dec. 11-13. Go to the Nebraska Cattlemen website to register or register onsite. Either way, join us and be a part of discussions and policy making. ~NC~