10 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2024 LAURA FIELD | NC EVP RUMINATIONS 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 Phone (402) 475-2333 | Fax (402) 475-0822 nc@necattlemen.org | www.nebraskacattlemen.org NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN STAFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT | Laura Field lfield@necattlemen.org VICE PRESIDENT OF POLICY ENGAGEMENT | Melody Benjamin VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING | Jeff Stolle DIRECTOR OF MARKETING | John Roberts DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS | Libby Schroeder DIRECTOR OF PRODUCER EDUCATION | Bonita Lederer DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RETENTION | Jessica Rudolph DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RECRUITMENT | Steven Stettner EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | Patty Goes Nebraska Cattleman is published monthly, except for May and July, by the Nebraska Cattlemen, 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 – (402) 475-2333. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGAZINE PRODUCTION: BLUEPRINT MEDIA LLC www.blueprintma.com | ncmag@necattlemen.org EDITOR | Lisa Bard MANAGING EDITOR | Jessie Topp-Becker COPY EDITOR | Larisa Willrett DESIGNER & MATERIALS COORDINATOR | Megan Sajbel Field ADMINISTRATION | Leslie McKibben CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bill Coe | Natalie Jones STATE & REGIONAL ADVERTISING Amber Coleman | (402) 340-1588 acoleman@necattlemen.org NATIONAL ADVERTISING Wendy McFarland | (334) 271-6100 mcfarlandadvantage@gmail.com Working for Nebraska Beef Producers PASTURE TO PLATE TO PLATE NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN VIEW NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN DIGITAL VERSION BY SCANNING THE QR CODE. GATHERINGS LAURA FIELD | NC EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT At the end of the year, I attended the funeral of a Nebraska cattle industry legend. As I sat in the back row of the beautiful Omaha church, I thought about the gathering of all who attended. So many came to pay their respects and celebrate a life tremendously lived. As I hugged members of his beautiful family, I pondered the profound impact of people who come and go in our lives. Gathering is defined as “a coming together of people in a group.” Synonyms for “gathering” include meeting, get-together, assembly, convention, multitude and panel. As cattlemen and cattlewomen, gathering is what we do – we gather at coffee shops, at bull sales and at auction barns. We gather for celebrations, to work out deals and find solutions, for honors and awards, for joys and for comfort in times of sadness. Over the past 10 months, I have gathered with many cattle producers across the great state of Nebraska. Each time, I leave full of pondering and hope for the next gathering. The conversations around every table are different, and I think what I appreciate most is hearing different opinions and perspectives. I learn so much from sitting back and observing while I listen. Gatherings often bring together people with different ideas and thoughts about current issues affecting agriculture. It is in these times of discussion that I grow the most. If there is dissension on a topic, my observation is that both sides are generally very passionate about the points on which they stand. And what I find the most fascinating is that, even after firm words while the energy is rising, when a decision is reached, the parties involved almost always come together with a handshake. Even if it takes additional gatherings and negotiations to get resolve, the meeting and getting together is powerful and necessary to move forward. In this month’s magazine, we outline the Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) policy-making process (see article on page 58.) This key focus of the association begins and ends with members. NC membership adopts or rejects proposed policy at the NC Annual Meeting each December. Adopted policy guides the association’s path. Ensuring members’ ideas are fully vetted and discussed is imperative to NC’s success. Each member can introduce policy important to you. I encourage members to become familiar with the association’s current policy and develop ideas you think should be added or modified. If one person is thinking of an idea, there’s a great chance many more have the same idea. Gathering to discuss and develop those ideas sometimes takes many iterations to get language just as it needs to read. If you have an idea or two, use your voice for the good of your operation and the cattle business as a whole. This is a busy time of year for meetings across the state where members and friends will gather. The Nebraska Unicameral is in full swing, and Nebraska Cattlemen is actively engaged on legislative matters impacting the beef industry. Many cattle producers are also returning from the Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) meetings in Orlando. The gathering CONTINUED ON PAGE 96