100 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2024 resistance in livestock; and world-leading bovine genome sequencing. USMARC researcher accomplishments are significant and are estimated to have contributed more than $30 billion to society since the center’s inception. Today, to remain on the scientific cutting edge and to produce maximum impact for producers, USMARC looks at complex challenges associated with the beef industry through a genetics, environment, management and socio-economic factors (GEMS) lens. These factors represent the complex relationships modern beef producers face, and each one contributes to their success. Systems-based research must consider each of these factors as they interact to influence the production capacity, efficiency, economic success and sustainability of a producer’s operation. USMARC prides itself on functioning similarly to a production enterprise by conducting research that is applicable to producers. USMARC research teams ensure that management practices, handling and housing systems closely mimic those that would be successful for a producer. The aim is to make implementation of the research, new technologies and innovations developed at USMARC feasible for cattle producers by also providing the how-to insights, knowledge and road maps for producer success and sustainability. USMARC research provides opportunities for producers to improve on industry trends, to try something new and to take a leap from tradition to ensure the success of their operations now and for future generations. The world of agriculture and livestock production is actually quite small. However, that is not the only world we are feeding. We must all work together to help the beef industry adapt, innovate and grow – that is just what USMARC is here to help you do. Those who came before us, at one point or another, had to make the decision to do things a little differently. Who knows – one small change on your operation may help to change the world! ~NC~ MARC UPDATE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 98 CONSIDER THIS