112 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2024 BOOTS ON THE GROUND Working for Nebraska Beef Producers PASTURE TO PLATE TO PLATE MORRILL COUNTY CATTLEMEN members sample beef at the annual “Beef N Wine” event in Bridgeport. The early December event kicks off the holiday season by celebrating beef. PEOPLE NC member and NCBA Live Cattle Marketing Vice Chair Mike Drinnin discusses his operation and roles in the beef industry with BUTLER COUNTY CATTLEMEN members on Dec. 18. Carter Jensen with Central Plains Milling discussed cow-calf feeding options over the winter months. Butler County Cattlemen President Jerimy McDonald led the meeting where three new Nebraska Cattlemen members were gained. The affiliate was reminded that they received second place in the affiliate growth contest and were encouraged to continue welcoming new members. NC member Jason Keiser, left, guides NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN REGION 9 MEMBERS through a tour of his workplace, Orthman Manufacturing, on Dec. 14. The tour was followed by a social and meeting. During the meeting, NC Executive Vice President Laura Field provided members with a recap from the NC annual convention and a federal issues update; Shelly Kelly, Sandhills Task Force executive director, spoke about available internships and the Nebraska Youth Range Camp; and Jeff Roudolph, Nebraska Beef Council Board member from district 9, spoke about the Nebraska Beef Council. Adam Wegner, director of marketing for the Nebraska Beef Council, addresses the BURWELL CATTLEMEN at their annual Christmas party on Dec. 17. Wegner gave a comprehensive update on Beef Checkoff activities on behalf of Nebraska cattle producers. This meeting was Luke Kovarik’s last meeting as the Burwell Cattlemen president, which he was acknowledged for. Also in attendance were Nebraska Beef Council representatives Ann Marie Bosshamer and Mitch Rippe. Nebraska state Sen. Fred Meyer provides insight into the upcoming legislative session during the Dec. 20 LOWER LOUP CATTLEMEN MEETING. More than 40 members enjoyed a night of fellowship, networking and education. NC President-Elect Dick Pierce provided a convention update as well as an update on the Governor’s Valuations Reform Working Group. To wrap up the meeting, NC Member Services Chairman Jim Edwards gave a membership testimonial and encouraged the group to engage other cattlemen about the benefits of membership.