40 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2024 Healthy calves just mean less expense. We just don’t have extra time and labor to put into treating cattle in a pasture setting. We’ve got a man on the place that can rope or do anything that needs to be done. But the fact of it is, he hasn’t used that rope one time this year for treating any of these calves. As they grow and they develop we just have less issues if we can keep them healthier. ENDOVAC-Beef is the product that is making all the difference in the world. We like cattle to look good and to stay sound and have good feet. We’ve enjoyed the results basically no pinkeye and no foot rot issues. I can tell you from an end user standpoint it’s making us money. - Dan Leo APEX Cattle - JW Henson Hillview Farms A couple of years ago we had a wreck going and needed a solution. ENDOVACBeef was it! A neighbor recommended the product. I knew it didn’t cost much and I knew what I was doing wasn’t working, so when I found it covered E. coli, Salmonella, Pasteurella, and Mannheimia, I gave it a try. I vaccinated my calves and it worked! Plus, it’s just so easy on them. I give it to my calves around two months of age and again at weaning. The heifers I hold back get it again in June when they go through the chute. It’s just a good product. The first year we started using ENDOVAC- Beef we had good results. The second year was even better because we implemented it in everything. I vaccinated my cows in April and gave them a booster in June to ensure full protection for my fall calvers and it solved all my scour problems. For those who have spring cows, I would give them a dose in the fall and again in January, about six to seven weeks before they start calving. Since implementing ENDOVAC-Beef, my medical bill went down and I’m just not treating calves anymore. I haven’t had to doctor one with foot rot either. I can tell you that vaccinating them is cheaper than losing them… it’s worth it. Everything that goes through the chute; cows, calves, and bulls, gets a shot of Endovac at least twice a year now. Find your nearest rep at EndovacBeef.com 1-800-944-7563 | 6080 Bass Lane | Columbia, MO 65201