February 2024 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN 45 ® Office (605) 439-3628 • Craig (605) 216-8169 11450 353rd Ave. Leola, SD 57456 www.BieBerredAngus.com scAn to join our cAn to join our mAiling list! mAiling list thursdAy, mArch 7 At 1 pmcentrAl At the rAnchneArleolA, sd • online viAdvAuction out of stockmArket e119, energize f121, flAshdrive g266, pAycheck ut of 0728, dynAsty h524, high density h558, Asset 1276 And more! Andmore 300 yeArlingred Angus Bulls BieberFever performAnceyeArling Bull sAle