74 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2024 Day two consisted of committee meetings, the NC Career Fair and the Annual Awards Banquet and Dance. Brand and Property Rights Committee The Brand and Property Rights Committee was honored to have state Sen. Steve Halloran speak regarding foreign ownership of land in Nebraska. He has a few ideas for legislation to ensure compliance with existing reporting requirements are being met and how the state can get a better understanding of how widespread foreign ownership might be. He also discussed how he sees the upcoming 60-day Nebraska Unicameral session will go. Duane Gangwish, Nebraska Brand Committee (NBC) chair, gave an update of things happening with the committee and introduced the new NBC Executive Director Don Arp, who then shared his vision for the Nebraska Brand Committee and his plans going forward since it was his third day on the job. Natural Resources and Environment Committee NC Executive Vice President Laura Field presented updates on two working groups Nebraska Cattlemen is participating in regarding nitrates and proactive steps to educate members. NCBA Chief Counsel Mary-Thomas Hart joined the committee via zoom from the United Nations Climate Change Convention in Dubai. Hart gave updates on natural resource issues at the federal level, including the state of current conservation programs in the Farm Bill. She is hopeful Congress will have a proposal for consideration by the end of the first quarter in 2024. She also shared information about other natural resources programs and legal updates, including Waters of the United States (WOTUS). Brad Edeal gave an update on behalf of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE). Edeal touched on issues of water quality and permitting that affect livestock producers. Marketing and Commerce Committee The Marketing and Commerce Committee heard an update on the efforts of NCBA’s Cattle Contract Library Working Group from Chairman Joe Eisenmenger, who was a member of the national working group. NC Vice President of Marketing Jeff Stolle gave an overview of USDA/LMR fed cattle purchase type data. University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s (UNL) Elliott Dennis, Ph.D., and TaraLee Hudson presented results from their ONLY the top bu s make the sale. And they are backed by decades of data that add value to your pay day. Robert & Kara Campbell • 701-422-3721 Robby & Sara Campbell 5096 Campbell RD • McIntosh, SD 57641 campbellra@westriv.com • www.campbellredangus.com Producing Cattle That Perform For The Cattleman Since 1973! Annual Bu Sale Monday, March 4, 2024 1 p.m. MST • At the Ranch Se ing 100 Registered Yearling Bulls Select Registered Heifers Our bulls rank in the top percentile for multiple traits. Only the best of the best are chosen for sale bulls. They are determined through a rigorous selection process, backed by actual data, ratios and a DNA-profiled cow herd. The performance of these bulls will pay off on shipping day – the steer mates of the sale bulls top the scale each January in the sale barn. Imagine what the topCampbe Red Angus bulls will do for your program! Brothers se s! Bu s like this se ! Request a catalog through our website or Facebook page ... or give us a call! CONTINUED ON PAGE 76 2023 NC CONVENTION RECAP CONTINUED FROM PAGE 72