110 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2025 3 Wulf Cattle Bull & Heifer Sale, DVAuction.com 5 Elkhorn Valley Cattlemen Banquet, Stanton 5 Kraye Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Mullen 12 Dydbal Charolais Bull Sale, Laurel 12 Hebbert Charolais Bull Sale, Hyannis 25-27 7 Triangle 7 Cattle Co. AI Training, Akron, Colo. MAY 16-18 7 Triangle 7 Cattle Co. AI Training, Akron, Colo. JUNE 13-15 7 Triangle 7 Cattle Co. AI Training, Akron, Colo. 14-25NC Portugal Journey PRIVATE TREATY SALES Hennerberg Piedmontese, Diller Mackley Simmentals and SimAngus, Arnold Schnuelle Ranch, Beatrice Solid Rock Red Angus, Limon, Colo. Membership at the Grass Roots begins with you! Primary Contact: _____________________ Business Name: ______________________ Address: __________________________ City: ____________________________ State: __________ Zip: ______________ Phone: ___________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________ Loc al Affi liate: ______________________ Recruiter: _________________________ Contact Information COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP– Voting Cow/Calf Farmer/Stockman Seedstock Check one option for the above Councils: # of Option I: Option II: Head: NC/NCBA/Local NC/Local 0-100 $285.00 $115.00 101-250 $492.50 $152.50 251-500 $722.50 $212.50 501-750 $1,022.50 $287.50 751-1,000 $1,382.50 $362.50 1,001-1,250 $1,742.50 $437.50 1,251-1,500 $2,097.50 $512.50 1,501-1,750 $2,457.50 $587.50 1,751-2,000 $2,817.50 $662.50 2,001 & up $2,855.00 $700.00 +$.73/addt’l hd +$0.30/addt’l hd FEEDLOT COUNCIL– Voting NC/NCBA dues are unified Bill monthly Bill quarterly Bill semi-annually Bill annually Capacity Dues Placement Billing # of head X $1.17 # of head X $0.60 Total: $_________ Total: $_________ Student Membership – Voting Under 24 years of age. Birthdate: ______________ Option I: NCBA – $55 Annually Option II: NC – $25 one-time fee Supporting Membership– Non-voting, non-owners of livestock and local business Option I: NC/NCBA/Local – $300 Option II: NC/Local – $150 Associate Membership– Unified vote on Allied Industries Council Option I: NC/NCBA/Local – $625 Option II: NC/Local – $400 Membership Classi cations Total dues investment: $ _________________________ Add Donation to NC Political Action Committee: $ ___________ The investment in Nebraska Cattlemen is based on fair share dues. Fair share dues allow for all sizes of businesses to participate. Payments of NC/NCBA Dues are tax deductible for most active members as a business expense. NC estimates 15% of the dues payment is not deductible as a business expense due to our direct lobbying activities on behalf of members - please check with your tax professional. Card Type: ________________________ Name on Card: _______________________ Address: __________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ______________ Zip: __________ CardNumber: ________________________ Expiration: ________ Security Code: ______ Credit Card info Add Nebraska Cattlewomen membership (no charge) OPT-OUT of Seedstock, Feedlot and Associate Directories Remit to: Nebraska Cattlemen 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 (402) 475-2333 | www.nebraskacattlemen.org *Payment required for all memberships except Feedlot Council. DID YOU KNOW: Both members and non-members receive the Nebraska Cattleman magazine. By receiving this magazine, you may think you are a member, but that may not be the case! To check your membership status, call (402) 475-2333 3 Dawson County Cattlemen Meeting, TBD 3 Herbster Angus Farms Bull & Female Sale, Beatrice SALE & EVENT CALENDAR