February 2025 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN 55 Utter manages a ranch in Brewster where they raise purebred Angus and commercial cattle. In addition to his ranching responsibilities, he worked as a part-time brand inspector for more than 10 years. Through his career in the beef industry, Utter has valued the chance to help shape its direction at both the local and federal levels, thanks to connections made through organizations like Nebraska Cattlemen. Looking to the future, Utter is optimistic about strong markets and growing demand for beef, both domestically and abroad. However, he is concerned about the impact of increasing regulations and pressures from government and animal rights groups. He is also deeply committed to protecting producers’ property rights. “We need to be very proactive in finding new ways to protect and improve our property rights in a way that will allow us to maintain and grow our competitive advantage in the global market,” Utter says. ~NC~ In 2025, your NC Member Services regional vice chairs are going to analyze the current setup and see what can be done to continue to grow affiliates and member involvement. We would love to hear from you and get input on how we can be even more visible in your local affiliate. It starts at the local level, and by developing strong affiliates, it makes it a lot easier to answer the “Whys?” ~NC~ INSIGHTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8