
62 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2025 2024 Nebraska Cattlemen Annual Convention Recap SPECIAL TO THIS ISSUE During this year’s Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) Annual Convention and Trade Show, members discussed many issues of importance to the beef cattle industry, including lab-grown protein, New World screwworm, fence law and much more. More than 600 attended the three-day event, including 70 high school and college students who attended the NC Career Fair and 74 vendors who exhibited at the sold-out trade show. Convention began with an NC Board of Directors meeting before committee and breakout sessions filled the afternoon, followed by the opening general session, welcome reception and trade show. Day 2 was filled with policy committee meetings, resolution committee meetings and ended with the NC Annual Awards Banquet. The general membership meeting and NC market outlook capped the final day of the convention. Read on for highlights and see more on the following pages. Council Recaps Cow-Calf Council Cow-Calf Council members gathered to discuss the 2024 Cow-Calf Tour, which focused on sustainability. The day started with a tour of the JBS packing facility and concluded with lunch and speakers on heifer development, sustainability, process-verified programs and how JBS approaches the subject. Thoughts were shared on ideas for the 2025 tour. THE NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE The Nebraska Ca lemen Political Action Commi ee (NC-PAC) is our most important tool for defending the beef ca le industry from overreach and overregulation in Nebraska. NC-PAC pools contributions from Nebraska Ca lemen members to support candidates who defend the beef ca le industry in Nebraska. Ca le producers in Nebraska need pro-business, pro-agriculture representation at the capitol in Lincoln. You helped us raise: $7,100 in the live auction for the NC-PAC $1,285 in the silent auction for the NC-PAC $1,600 in the live auction for the NCBA-PAC With a grand total of $9,985 raised! Thank you to everyone who donated and placed bids on auction items. CONTINUED ON PAGE 64 Clay Patton, left, auctions off NC–PAC items during the Annual Awards Banquet alongside Master of Ceremonies Chris Kalkowski, right. 2025 Nebraska Cattlemen officers are, left to right, Past President Jerry Kuenning, President-Elect Craig Uden, President Dick Pierce and Vice President Eric Hansen.