72 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2025 under the leadership of Outgoing Chair Joe Eisenmenger of Humphrey. Eisenmenger was recognized and thanked for his service to the committee. NC’s Jeff Stolle gave a short presentation on recent trends in negotiated marketing volume trends, and Don Close gave attendees his insight on the potential effects of import/export tariffs on the U.S. beef industry during a second Trump administration. Eisenmenger and Mike Drinnin, NCBA Live Cattle Marketing Committee chairman, gave an update regarding ongoing NC/NCBA efforts to narrow daily trading limits for CME Live Cattle and Feeder Cattle futures contracts. There was also a discussion of possible upcoming legislation in the Nebraska Unicameral dealing with regulation of the marketing of lab-grown protein products within the state. Rusty Kemp and Mark Nelson with Sustainable Beef, LLC of North Platte, were also on hand to give an update on the planned April 7, 2025, opening of Nebraska’s newest beef processing facility as well as their thoughts on fed cattle procurement preferences for the plant. All 2022 resolutions and policy statements were reviewed and acted upon by the committee as part of NC’s bi-annual policy review process. Member Services and Revenue Development Commi ee A panel kicked off the meeting and heard from attendees on how membership has affected them and how they see opportunities to grow membership. There was good discussion on how to expand and grow NC membership to include more than just beef producers and how to get more allied industry members to join. The group concluded with a discussion on how to get the younger 2024 NC ANNUAL CONVENTION RECAP CONTINUED FROM PAGE 70 CONTINUED ON PAGE 74 2024 NC President Jerry Kuenning, standing, with his family at the Annual Awards Banquet. Seated, left to right, are son-in-law Nick Fowler, daughter Kory Fowler, daughter-in-law Kelly Kuenning and son Brandon Kuenning.