
84 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN February 2025 See VIDEOS of the sale bulls on our website, the end of January. L1 HEREFORD BULL SALE & Friends FRI., FEB. 28, 2025 12 NOON (CST) • At the Ranch 2271 County Rd. 74 • Quinter, KS 67752 110 BULLS SELL 18-MONTH-OLD AND TWO-YEAR-OLD BULLS COLEMAN HEREFORDS Ken & Suzanne Coleman 719/783-9324 (h) 719/276-4471 (c) FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: JA L1 Domino 3600L CO L1 Domino 314L JAMISON HEREFORDS Aden Glaze: 785/475-4125 Cody Jamison: 785/299-0020 Gerald High: 717/821-0324 Gordon Jamison: 785/299-0441 B&B CATTLE CO. Lee Butler Braxton Butler 620/437-6637 NC DISPATCH Affiliate Meetings and Banquets February is a busy month for Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) affiliates. Check out the NC website calendar for a list of membership meetings and banquets. During membership meetings, members renew their memberships and learn how they can take advantage of all that Nebraska Cattlemen has to offer. Several of our affiliates are continuing traditions of raising funds for their education scholarship funds and Beef in School programs. Make sure to attend and bid to help those fundraising efforts. Affiliate banquets are a time to celebrate our members, honor individuals and recognize businesses who give back to the beef industry. Attending these events is a great way to hear speakers, become involved in policy, get updates from Nebraska Cattlemen leadership and staff, and network with other beef producers. Thank you to all the sponsors who support our local affiliates. The more you put into your membership, the more you get out of the membership. You can simply write the check each year and wait for the next renewal form or you can get involved and be engaged. The membership team would like to challenge you to take the time to attend affiliate events. ~NC~ To view the most current online issue of the Nebraska Cattleman magazine, visit: https://www.nebraskacattlemen. org/nebraska-cattleman-magazine