10 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN January 2024 LAURA FIELD | NC EVP RUMINATIONS 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 Phone (402) 475-2333 | Fax (402) 475-0822 nc@necattlemen.org | www.nebraskacattlemen.org NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN STAFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT | Laura Field lfield@necattlemen.org VICE PRESIDENT OF POLICY ENGAGEMENT | Melody Benjamin VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING | Jeff Stolle DIRECTOR OF MARKETING | John Roberts DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS | Libby Schroeder DIRECTOR OF PRODUCER EDUCATION | Bonita Lederer DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RETENTION | Jessica Rudolph DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RECRUITMENT | Steven Stettner EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT | Patty Goes Nebraska Cattleman is published monthly, except for May and July, by the Nebraska Cattlemen, 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 – (402) 475-2333. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGAZINE PRODUCTION: BLUEPRINT MEDIA LLC www.blueprintma.com | ncmag@necattlemen.org EDITOR | Lisa Bard MANAGING EDITOR | Jessie Topp-Becker COPY EDITOR | Larisa Willrett DESIGNER & MATERIALS COORDINATOR | Megan Sajbel Field ADMINISTRATION | Leslie McKibben CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bill Coe | Natalie Jones STATE & REGIONAL ADVERTISING Amber Coleman | (402) 340-1588 acoleman@necattlemen.org NATIONAL ADVERTISING Wendy McFarland | (334) 271-6100 mcfarlandadvantage@gmail.com Working for Nebraska Beef Producers PASTURE TO PLATE TO PLATE NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN VIEW NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN DIGITAL VERSION BY SCANNING THE QR CODE. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS LAURA FIELD | NC EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT I’m not and have never been big on New Year’s resolutions. I generally start the new year with my mind set on eating better, exercising more, being more organized, keeping my calendar straight and so many more tasks that I want to master. But for me, setting a resolution just seems to put something in front of me that I feel defeated about if and when I don’t get it done. That’s probably not the best way to look at it, so maybe I should be resolved to reaching a little further in my achievements this year. Two years ago, I bought a book by Bob Goff called Live in Grace. Walk in Love. I was looking for a book of daily devotional messages to help me start or end each day. I’ve admired Goff’s writing and guidance over the years, and his messages have a strong faith element that is important to me. The book really proved helpful and encouraging. I went through each day reading the message, and to be honest, some days I would miss the reading, and it was nice to catch up the next day or the day after that. After getting through the book the first year, I thought it would be repetitive for year two, so I didn’t start 2023 reading it. However, after some particularly troubling days, I dug the book out of our bookshelf, flipped to the day it was and started reading it again. Whether I had not paid attention the first time or the daily messages were just that good, I very much enjoyed it the second time around and found some of the messages hit home even a bit more. This January, I’ve decided to start it all over again. The Jan. 1 message is about learning to ride a bike. Mr. Goff shares his memories of both riding a bike for the first time and then teaching his kids to ride a bike. He paints a vivid picture of the wobbly front tire, balancing the bike and sometimes wiping out! He describes bike riding for the first time as completely unnatural. And yet when it clicks, it’s hard for any of us to imagine not being able to ride the bike. “With enough practice,” he says, “you don’t even think about riding the bike anymore. You just do it!” I love this imagery of learning to do something and overcoming the fear of failing. Whether it’s giving a speech in front of a group, learning to play the piano, cooking a recipe you’ve never tried, learning is the key. This is something I’m still working on as that nagging fear of failure or disappointing someone is always at the front of my mind. But if I just don’t think about it and practice long enough, it just gets more natural. I’m looking forward to so much with Nebraska Cattlemen in 2024, and I’m excited for all that lies ahead. The Nebraska Unicameral comes back into session on Jan. 3, and the Nebraska Cattlemen Board of Directors will meet in Lincoln on Jan. 24 to discuss the association’s 2024 legislative priorities and enjoy a steak dinner with members of the legislative and executive branches. Thank you for making Nebraska Cattlemen a priority for your operation. Here’s to learning and mastering new skills in 2024! ~NC~