58 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN January 2024 CONSIDER THIS may have changed, the goals remain the same, and NCBA is continuing with a full-throated advocacy effort to pass a Farm Bill next year, sooner rather than later. NCBA’s top policy priority remains delivering a Farm Bill that strengthens risk management programs, supports disaster recovery programs, promotes voluntary conservation programs and pushes for more funding to protect the U.S. cattle herd from potential foreign animal disease outbreaks through the vaccine bank. With the Farm Bill extended for one year, the most immediate concern of Congress is funding the government at the start of 2024. With the staggered funding package, U.S. Department of Agriculture funding for non-Farm Bill programs runs out on Jan. 19, 2024, and Interior Department funding runs out on Feb. 2, 2024. These are two of the most important federal departments for cattle producers, and NCBA is working with House and Senate appropriators. This includes working toward getting helpful policy included and killing any potential poison pills from animal and environmental activists trying to hurt cattle producers. The NCBA team certainly has their work cut out for them in tight fiscal times and unprecedented shenanigans in Congress, but we are always ready for a challenge, and we like to put wins on the scoreboard, so batter up! ~NC~ UPDATE FROM WASHINGTON CONTINUED FROM PAGE 56 To advertise in Nebraska Cattleman contact sales representative Amber Coleman acoleman@ necattlemen.org