January 2024 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN 87 330 17th Street, Syracuse NE (402) 269-2310 John Stratman 303-536-7571 john@ranchland.com NEBRASKA HARD GRASS | CHADRON, NE Consists of 8,330 acres, profitable highly sought-after calving operation, provides excellent natural forage, headquarters lie along the White River. HOOKER COUNTY RANCH | MULLEN, NE 3,320 acres near Mullen. Native sandhills grasslands and scattered pivot irrigations systems. SPRING VALLEY RANCH | BASSETT, NE 6,360 acres in the Sandhills with excellent grassland and consistent moisture conditions. EICHENBERGER RANCH | CLINTON, NE 800 acres located in NE Panhandle, hard grass and good water which puts excellent gains on cattle. $960,000 Wayne Childers 308-207-0693 wayne@ranchland.com www.RanchLand.com SOLD SOLD SOLD let us help you with your buying and selling needs