
January 2025 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN 15 14th Annual Bull Sale Thursday March 20th, 2025 Bulls and Females sired by Ellingson Turn Key Selling 90 Spring Angus Bulls & a Select group of Yearling Heifers Additional Sires: Mohnen Worldwide, Baldridge Versitile, and our own Herd bull battery. Hart Showcase Crouch Congress Dean Christensen (308) 550-0298 Fullerton, NE Bonnie Christensen (308) 550-0299 Office (308)536-2405 Glenn Davis (219)776-7584 affordable options is influenced by your long-term goals and financial capabilities. Whether you have terminal or maternal-focused goals, choosing a bull that can maximize profit from your calves will provide the largest return on investment. You can also return to look at the provided data, as several cattle breeds have economic selection indexes based on your production system: maternal, terminal and general-purpose. Maternal indexes focus on improving profitability in herds that retain females and sell calves at weaning. Terminal indexes are designed for commercial producers who retain ownership of their calves and market them on a merit-based carcass grid. General-purpose indexes assume that producers retain ownership of some animals and keep replacement females. To help in making the best selection possible, the UNL Beef Economics Team created the Bull Value Cow-Q-Lator (BVCQL). This tool can be used to compare your current bull value with up to 10 bulls. (Download at tools.) In summary, bull purchasing decisions are unique to each herd due to differences in producer-specific production goals and inputs. It’s important to your cattle business to understand bloodlines, breeds and indexes to make informed decisions. Take time today to evaluate whether your current bulls are meeting your criteria of a successful cow herd or if it’s necessary to make a change. When those bull sale catalogs begin arriving, you’ll be better prepared to make informed decisions that align with your long-term goals and operational needs. ~NC~