24 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN January 2025 PEOPLE After serving Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) members for just shy of 25 years, Melody Benjamin hung up her NC hat at the end of December 2024. Born and raised in the neighboring state of Colorado where her father worked for cattle operations on the eastern plains, Benjamin always remembers working on the ranch with her dad. She came to Nebraska in the late ʻ80s to ranch with her husband and their young son, Rob, on a ranch near Lakeside and has been there ever since. Rob and his wife, Kate, now run the ranch, an Angus-based commercial operation. Benjamin is looking forward to helping around the ranch more and keeping her vehicle parked. After Rob graduated from high school in 1999, Benjamin started with Nebraska Cattlemen in March of 2000 as a part-time membership field staff, serving as a liaison with the affiliate associations in the panhandle. Her territory grew over the years and, by 2003, she became the director of member services and began traveling the state for affiliate meetings and official Nebraska Cattlemen duties. In 2007, she was promoted to vice president of member services and managed all NC field staff, as well as the Beef Quality Assurance program, which at the time was being managed by Nebraska Cattlemen. She ended her NC tenure as the vice president of association engagement. Benjamin’s passion for member associations and helping cattlemen stemmed from involvement in the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association and Colorado CattleWomen in the late 1970s. She was also a member of the Nebraska Cattlemen Leadership program, which gave her insight into and appreciation for Nebraska Cattlemen. Taking the next step of becoming a member services staff person was a pretty logical, easy step. Benjamin has seen many things and worked with many producers during her time with NC. She’s helped at the Beef Pit, worked with and managed many field staff members, seen programs come and go, and served under four executive vice presidents, 25 presidents and countless board members. She has fond memories of it all. “The most rewarding times have always been helping producers through difficult times,” Benjamin says. “For many years, I was the contact person for those needing help during drought or fire or other disasters. I’d listen, commiserate with them and then help them find resources to help in these bad situations.” She recalls working at the Beef Pit at the Nebraska State Fair and, even though it was hard work, Benjamin acknowledges the value it brings to “interact with the general public, who, for the most part, have no idea what we do.” 25 Years of Serving NC Members LISA BARD | NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN EDITOR NC member services field staff present a jacket to retiring Member Services Committee Chairman Steve Ruskamp in 2000. Pictured, let to right, are Craig Utter, Steve Ruskamp, Eric Ryan, Melody Benjamin, Lee Weide and Stacey Kimball. Melody Benjamin, far right, lifts NC Executive Director Greg Ruehle’s hat to be auctioned off at the 2003 NC Annual Convention for the NC PAC fund.