January 2025 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN 31 Fish: It all boils down to pressure and release of pressure. In a pasture, cows have more room to move away and relieve the pressure vs. a chute. Acknowledge when cattle are comfortable vs. stressed, and always try to stay on the contented side. Gill: The principles do not, and should not, change. If we are consistent in how we ask cattle to respond to pressure outside and inside corrals, they get very easy to work. It is important to use the pasture to start training cattle to respond to pressure and manage the size of the flight zone. Flight zones can be too big and cattle cannot take the pressure of being in the corrals. If that is the case, the time needs to be spent in the pasture, reducing the flight zone to change that situation. Cattle always need to be able to achieve a release of pressure. The opposite can also be true. You can get cattle so gentle and have little to no flight zone, and that makes working them through a system more stressful. Cattle should not be made so gentle that they will not move away from people when pressured to do so. You can have gentle cattle that still respect and respond to pressure. Pate: The principles shouldn’t differ, but sometimes they do because, in a facility, cattle have a difficult time escaping pressure. We need to make bigger and more exaggerated moves when out in pasture, and a horse and/or dogs as well as motorized vehicles can make these moves more effectively if proper pressure is used. NC: Is there anything else you want our readers to know about low-stress cattle handling and stockmanship? Fish: Cattle handling is a continuing educational process. Always try to get better. Gill: Regardless of how good or bad a person is when handling livestock, they can get better. What we normally see is good stockmen are good because they want to get better CONTINUED ON PAGE 32 Our Jan. 30 Sale Offering: ● 100 Bulls - outstanding 2-yr-olds and yearlings. All Bulls are noted for high Carcass Traits and high Calving Ease. ● 60 Heifers - yearlings. All noted for high Carcass Traits. ● Delivery - bull insurance - volume discounts. John & Mary Ridder Family Callaway, Nebraska 308.836.4430 Office 402.450.0431 Cell mailbag@ridderranch.com www.ridderranch.com Videos posted mid-January. for volume, thickness, soundness, mothering ability, correctness, calving ease, and disposition. We’re extremely particular about our herd, so that they will excel in so many economic ways for you. Buy Bulls & Heifers you can count on … Ridder Hereford Ranch Annual Sale Jan. 30 @1 pm (cst) at the Ranch 9 miles NW of Callaway, NE Sale is live in our sale barn as well as online at The Livestock Link. Register early to ensure you are approved to bid when you want to. 40L by 87G 98L by 620 78L by 9102 8M by 1117J 11M by 87G 433 by 9102 481 by 87G