64 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN January 2025 Whatever your reason, choose Unleaded 88. ChooseUnleaded88.com In addition, if the supplement on pasture is a small amount of alfalfa, I don’t think you will get the same response on pushing more cows to calve during the daytime. I don’t have data on the last two statements. Points to remember when implementing daytime calving management strategy: • For this method to be most effective, research has indicated that it should be started one month prior to calving. • Follow the same feeding schedule (feeding between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.) and feeding amount (pounds per head per day) each day, as is feasible and possible. • For first-calvers, maintain regular night checks, but there should be fewer calving at night and therefore less work. • Desired effect in a grazing situation may not be seen unless supplemental hay or timing of grazing can be regulated. • Weather can play a role in effectiveness. Before or during storms, cattle may not come to eat and may be more likely to calve at night. • Additional research indicates that a first-calf female that calves during the day will tend to calve during the day the remainder of her productive years. This method of management will help to decrease the number of nighttime hours spent waiting for cows and heifers to calve by moving more of the calving to daylight hours. Implementing the management strategy will result in being able to observe females that are calving during the daylight hours when they are easier to see and determine if intervention is needed. Again, calving time is labor intensive and stressful. Consider implementing management strategies to reduce stress and save more calves. ~NC~ NIGHTTIME FEEDING, DAYTIME CALVING CONTINUED FROM PAGE 62 Time of Feeding and the Impact on Time of Calving 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Calving in Daylight % Calving at Night Fed in Evening Fed in Morning 1,331 cows at 15 locations in Iowa Fed once daily at dusk 85% of the calves born between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Need to start 2-3 weeks before the start of the calving season. 85 49 15 51