30 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN June/July 2024 Beef Checkoff advertising tactics have changed over the years but the objective is still the same: drive beef demand. With advertising costs continuing to increase, the Beef Checkoff has turned to digital formats as the main avenue for reaching consumers. Unlike traditional advertising, where businesses reach their target audience through printed ads, billboards and TV, the Beef Checkoff is now embracing digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Connected TV to reach specific audiences. For instance, messages about feeding beef to infants and toddlers can be specifically targeted toward parents of young children through sponsored online ads. There are cost savings associated with digital advertising as well. Unlike traditional marketing, social media advertising targets audiences on a pay-per-view or pay-per-click basis meaning you only pay for the video or photo ad if the consumer clicks on it. Additionally, the Nebraska Beef Council can monitor and measure the results to make real-time adjustments that will improve and increase the advertising effectiveness. “The shift to digital advertising has really helped us target the people who are most interested in our product,” says Nebraska Beef Council Director of Marketing Adam Wegner. “Our YouTube video ads consistently produce a view rate of nearly 45 percent, meaning viewers watch the ads for at least 30 seconds or click to view our website. Compare that to the industry average of less than 30 percent and it tells us that we are targeting an audience that is interested in beef and our message.” The digital advertising messages include a variety of topics from beef enjoyment and recipe inspiration to beef producDIGITAL TACTICS HELP DRIVE BEEF DEMAND PEERS NEBRASKA BEEF COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS tion, sustainability and the connection of consumers to faces of real Nebraska farmers and ranchers. Many of the production messages target consumers in urban populations who may not have the knowledge or understanding of how beef is raised. While the Beef Checkoff has placed an emphasis on digital advertising, there is still opportunity to reach consumers through traditional media. The Nebraska Beef Council places seasonal radio and television ad campaigns in mid-sized-market areas of the state to support their messaging throughout the year. A summer billboard campaign in the more highly populated Omaha and Lincoln markets reminds people that Nebraska is home to “The Good Life and Great Steaks.” With limited traditional ad placements, timing and location are key. The Nebraska Beef Council targets travelers to Nebraska with billboards in the terminals at Omaha’s Eppley airport. The ads are strategically placed during high-traffic pe-