52 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN March 2024 SELLING GENETIC ADVANTAGED FEED EFFICIENT BULLS STACKED WITH PERFORMANCE STACKED WITH PERFORMANCE WEBO Angus TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2024 • AT THE RANCH • LUSK, WY Offering 85 efficiency tested Yearling bulls and 20 big-rugged Two-Year-Old bulls developed to tackle any kind of country 8 miles east on Hwy. 20 to Node, then 0.6 miles south on Pfister Rd. LUNCH: NOON • SALE: 1:00 PM BUTTONS YORK & FAMILY YORK & FAMILY P.O. Box 848 • Lusk, Wyoming 82225 • Home (307) 334-3006 Button’s Cell (307) 216-0090 • Odessa’s Cell (307) 340-1182 • Elly’s Cell (307) 340-1499 www.WEBOANGUS.com Annual Turning Grass into Greenbacks Bull Sale INTRODUCING OUR NEW SIRE: Moore Big Chexs Chexs 481A AAA# 20454797 He is a locked and loaded performance bull with top of the line efficiency and highly maternal. CED +7: BW +1.2 Performance Merit: WW +88 is Top 3% and YW +148 is Top 10% Solid Values: $M +92 Top 2%, $W +96 Top 1%, $F +103 Top 15%, $B +150 Top 35 %, $C +287 Top 15% Tested at Midland Bull Test he has a MBT overall Rating of 112, Efficiency Rating of 104, ADG of 3.49, WDA 3.87 and a super MBT -1.87 RFI for efficiency! Most Importantly WEBO Angus is Geared up to Produce bulls that have efficiency and performance that will work in our country. They will produce replacement females and big time feeder calves and yearling that are Demanded by your buyers. SUPER EFFICIENT BULL with PLENTY OF PERFORMANCE and lots of extras. Sired by Sterling Confidence Plus 804, HIGH SELLING, HIGH EFFICIENCY bull at 2019 Snyder Bull Test in Nevada. The data is proven, 035 was tested for EFFICIENCY and PERFORMANCE at Midland Bull Test. Gained 4.30 ADG – eating only 20.70 lbs for feed conversion of 4.64 lbs to a pound of gain. His AAA epd for RFI is -1.19. He’s got plenty of carcass merit to hit the Targets: Top 45% Marbling and Top 2% with a 16.3 REA. Performance merit: Top 35% WW and Top 20% YW. Solid Values: $W Top 45%, $F Top 10%, $G Top 25%, $B Top 10%, $C Top 15%. McD Confidence 035 AAA# 19898286 CED: +3 BW: +1.9 WW: +74 YW: +133 Milk: +23 Marb: +.70 RE: +1.18 $W: +67 $C: +308 of which are instrumental in continuing the legacy of beef production in Nebraska. The knowledge and experiences gained through YCC are invaluable assets that I am eager to apply to my family’s operation and in my ongoing role as an advocate for the cattle industry. Morgan Rhea, Fremont Nebraska Cattlemen YCC has given me unlimited opportunities not only to continue building on personal skills I already have but, more important, to push me out of my comfort zone to become more. Prior to YCC and becoming involved with NC, I never gave myself the time to fully understand the government and how important it is to make bills that affect us as producers a priority. Another reason I really enjoy YCC is for the diverse group of members, producers and industry affiliates I get to work with. The ever-growing knowledge and practices within the industry are limitless, and without meeting all the folks involved with NC, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Nebraska cattlemen and women are undoubtedly an industry that not only receives endless support but gives the endless support right back in return. YCC Class of 2024 For the YCC class of 2024, the first week of January gave them the opportunity to tour Nebraska-based businesses, including Cargill Protein, Schyler; Cargill Protein, Nebraska City; Neogen, Lincoln; and Sysco Lincoln, Lincoln. Class members also spent time at the state capitol, visiting with senators and learning about the legislative process. They also met with industry leaders at the NC office to learn about other organizations and how they work in the beef industry. The class also set goals for upcoming meetings and projects. Stephanie Nelson, Gibbon The class of 2024 YCC fellows can easily be defined as a group of passionate cattlemen who advocate and impact all sectors of the beef industry. This group brings such a diverse array of cattlemen from across Nebraska, offering the perfect blend for impactful conversations growing each of our network’s portfolio as the program was intended. From pasture to plate, YCC member pedigrees include cow-calf producers, direct-to-consumer marketing, feedyard, genetics and pharma companies. As each of these individuals are growing within their careers, we all demonstrate a similar chapter of life, which builds lifelong friendships between this group of 10 hand-picked individuals. The Nebraska Cattlemen will appreciate YCC MEMBERS MEET IN LINCOLN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50 CONTINUED ON PAGE 54