54 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN March 2024 the offering this group will display and bring forth the coming two years. Dan Malousek, Prague As a leader and YCC member in the cattle industry, I look forward to getting to know the core values of the Nebraska Cattlemen and what we stand for. All the industry tours were very helpful as a learning tool to see how different sectors of our industry come around in a full circle. I’m very proud to be selected to represent YCC through the Nebraska Cattlemen organization. Nebraska Cattlemen’s dedication and commitment to growing individuals in this industry is second to none. Krista Carter, Alliance As a cattle feeder, I benefitted from the opportunity to walk through a beef plant and then have a discussion with the plant manager about issues that we both face due to our segments being closely tied together. I really liked the tours but thought that the opportunity to interact with my fellow classmates and industry professionals was the most valuable part of our recent experience. We had insightful conversations about a variety of topics and issues that we all face every day and had the opportunity to learn about other operations throughout the state. Caitlin Coulson, Ceresco YCC has provided an incredible experience to network and connect with cattlemen and women from across the state and industry. By bringing together like-minded, motivated people, YCC has helped start conversations and action among a new generation of leaders in the beef industry. Besides making connections with my peers, my favorite part of YCC has been touring many different industry segments such as genetics partners, processors and distributors. This has led to open dialogue among YCC members and these allies, leading to more thought-provoking questions and solutions. ~NC~ 2024 YCC Class Members • Krista Carter, Alliance • Caitlin Coulson, Ceresco • Talia Goes, Talmage • Dan Malousek, Prague • David McDonald, Phillips • Stephanie Nelson, Gibbon • Kolin Scheele, Fairbury • Jason Star, North Platte • Collin Thompson, Eustis • Eric Woita, Plainview 2023 YCC Class Members • Austin Aksamit, Denton • Connor Biehler, Lincoln • Cate Blessin, Kenesaw • Jon Caraway, Lexington • Rachel Eickman, Chester • Devin Jakub, Dwight • Natalie Jones, Stapleton • Tanner Justesen, Mitchell, S.D. • Christina Lammers, Hartington • Morgan Rhea, Fremont YCC MEMBERS MEET IN LINCOLN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 52 April 5th, 2024 • 4 PM CST At the SpringLake Angus Center • Lynch, NE AAA Reg #: 20591154 Sire: Grabers Mr. Angus 9080 MGS: SAV International 2020 Top: 2% WW • 3% YW • 10% CW 30% REA • 15% FAT • 15% $W AAA Reg #: 20254145 Sire: Sitz Rainmaker 6169 MGS: Schoenes Fix It 826 Maternal Grandam is N Bar Primrose 2424 AAA Reg #: 20570332 Sire: SLA Rito 7075 806 MGS: SLA Rito Revolt 513 Continuing the legacy of RR Rito 707 11TH ANNUAL BULL & FEMALE SALE SPRINGLAKEANGUS2020@YAHOO.COM • SPRINGLAKEANGUS.COM GENE & KELCEY TIMPERLEY GENE TIMPERLEY 402-336-7951 KELCEY TIMPERLEY 402-394-1880 OFFICE 402-569-3442 G A F Mr Angus 9080 622 2020 SLA MLK Rainmaker 6169 SLA Washington Rito 806 258 765-376-8784