November 2023 Nebraska Cattleman 41 605-835-8790 8’ x 11’ Calving Pen Nursing gate on both sides of cow Removable corner post –Allows for full access to back side of cow Side and back doors Crowd gate locks automatically as it swings through Headgate sold separately See us for all of your livestock feeding and containment needs Corral panels ~ Gates ~ Fenceline Feed panels & bunks Creep Feeders ~ Cattle Rubs ~ Tombstone and Basket Horse Feeders (New Item) ~ Grain Troughs ~ Windbreak Panels Bale Feeders Our Bale Feeders are the most durable on the market and they have minimal hay loss by having 21” high skirting and using a double slant design. We have Dealers in Nebraska Atlanta, Madrid, Gothenburg, Hay Springs, Norfolk, & Deshler Call for one in your area Save Hay with Ranchers Bale Feeders! Now is the time to order your Calving Pen for the upcoming calving season. BieberFever ® Office (605) 439-3628 • Craig (605) 216-8169 11450 353rd Ave. Leola, SD 57456 scAn to join our cAn to join our mAiling list! mAiling list FAll FemAle And Age-AdvAntAged Bull sAle thursdAy, novemBer 9 the rAnchneArleolA, sd • dvAuction oFFering red Angus FemAles And ngus FemAles And Bulls with Best in the Breed genetic Bulls with Best in the Breed genetic registered Bred heiFers due in jAnuAry - mArch eiFers due in registered Bred cows due in FeBruAry - mArch ows due in registered Bred cows due in mAy - june ows due in commerciAl Bred heiFers due in mArch eiFers due in Age-AdvAntAged Bulls out oF energize F121, ulls out oF stockmArket e119, high density h558, Blue chip h302, kjl/clzB kirklAnd 8003F, And more! Andmore