
8 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN November 2024 NC BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Jerry Kuenning*, Lemoyne, (308) 883-8382 PRESIDENT-ELECT: Dick Pierce*, Miller, (308) 440-2489 VICE PRESIDENT: Craig Uden*, (308) 325-0285 TREASURER: Laura Field, Lincoln, (402) 475-2333 SECRETARY: Melody Benjamin, Lakeside, (308) 760-6464 PAST PRESIDENT: Steve Hanson*, Elsie, (308) 289-0225 MEMBER SERVICES VICE CHAIR BY REGION 1 – Jaclyn Wilson, Lakeside, (308) 762-3196 2 – Kat Kennedy, Purdum, (308) 645-7036 3 – Allan Louthan, Stanton, (402) 841-6601 4 – John Ecklund, Atkinson, (408) 602-5905 5 – Scott Reynolds, Berwyn, (308) 870-0970 6 – Chuck Graff, Ogallala, (308) 289-5841 7 – Heath Clausen, Leigh, (402) 750-4433 8 – Allen Bruntz, Friend, (402) 525-2651 9 – Shannon Peterson, Gothenburg, (308) 529-2116 COW-CALF COUNCIL CHAIR: Travis Chrisman, Wauneta, (308) 883-6781 VICE CHAIR: Jake Johnson, Hastings, (402) 984-8824 FARMER-STOCKMAN COUNCIL CHAIR: Marc Hanson, Morrowville, Kan., (402) 729-7174 VICE CHAIR: Dwight Dam, Hooper, (402) 720-4250 FEEDLOT COUNCIL CHAIR: Ryan Danehey, Manhattan, Kan., (308) 440-8267 VICE CHAIR: Daron Huyser, Lexington, (308) 233-4368 SEEDSTOCK COUNCIL CHAIR: Reiss Bruning, Bruning, (402) 768-3332 VICE CHAIR: James Felt, Wakefield, (402) 287-2488 ALLIED INDUSTRIES COUNCIL Jake Pullen, Aurora, (308) 380-9040 ~ COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP ~ ANIMAL HEALTH AND NUTRITION CHAIR: Jared Walahoski*, Overton, (308) 746-1965 CHAIR-ELECT: Jeff Heldt, Scottsbluff, (308) 641-5781 BRAND AND PROPERTY RIGHTS CHAIR: Brock Terrell, Hay Springs, (308) 430-1213 CHAIR-ELECT: Matt Blackford, Brownlee, (402) 322-1377 EDUCATION AND RESEARCH CHAIR: Marcus Urban, Leigh, (402) 276-3830 CHAIR-ELECT: Suzanne Jagels, Davenport, (402) 469-3374 MARKETING AND COMMERCE CHAIR: Joe Eisenmenger, Humphrey, (402) 920-0665 CHAIR-ELECT: Chance McLean, Stromsburg, (402) 366-2254 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT CHAIR: Eric Hansen*, North Platte, (308) 530-3899 CHAIR-ELECT: Sam Drinnin, Grand Island, (402) 910-0233 TAXATION CHAIR: Scott Peterson, Valentine, (402) 322-0225 CHAIR-ELECT: Steve Sunderman, Norfolk, (402) 750-0149 MEMBER SERVICES CHAIR: Jim Edwards, Ord, (308) 750-0881 NEBRASKA LIVESTOCK MARKETING ASSOCIATION REP. Bryce Dibbern, Interior, S.D., (308) 293-7766 UNL EXTENSION REPRESENATIVE Erin Laborie, Beaver City, (419) 494-3872 UNL REPRESENTATIVE Deb VanOverbeke, Lincoln, (402) 714-5879 * member of the Executive & Finance Committee INSIGHTS DON’T JUST WRITE THE CHECK ALLAN LOUTHAN | STANTON NC MEMBER SERVICES REGION 3 VICE CHAIR Scattered across Nebraska are many small cow-calf producers with fewer than 50 cows who also have jobs off the farm. These producers spend their evenings and weekends busy on the farm because of their time spent away at their off-the-farm jobs. Some of these producers have recently downsized while others can’t expand because of the lack of pasture. Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) membership dues for these producers is an expense that might not be at the top of their wish list, but it should be at the top of their need list. Beef cattle producers face many challenges, including changes in weather, input prices, animal performance, technology and marketing opportunities. Sharing information with like-minded individuals can come from attending NC affiliate meetings as well as regional and state meetings. To help producers make sound business decisions, Nebraska Cattlemen shares valuable information via email, social media and the NC website. NC webinars ensure producers are aware of cutting-edge production practices and that they understand government regulations. NC staff work to help producers improve their efficiency and profitability in today’s challenging beef industry. As a small producer who works off the farm during the week, I have to decide if I want to continue to support the Nebraska Cattlemen by renewing my membership each year. Has my operation benefited by being an NC member? Have I used the available resources to be more involved in the industry? What new strategies have I developed to overcome production struggles? I take the decision to renew my dues seriously, and I make sure that with my renewal I am not just writing a check. I make sure that I am reading the NC Chronicle when it hits my email inbox and opening the Membership Matters and Call to Action emails that are filled with important information. I follow along with the Nebraska legislative updates that are sent CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 Make sure you are taking advantage of all that Nebraska Cattlemen offers. Find a way to get engaged. See the Nebraska Cattlemen Membership Application on page 60.