October 2023 Nebraska Cattleman 35 BieberFever ® Office (605) 439-3628 • Craig (605) 216-8169 11450 353rd Ave. Leola, SD 57456 www.BieBerredAngus.com scAn to join our cAn to join our mAiling list! mAiling list FAll FemAle And Age-AdvAntAged Bull sAle thursdAy, novemBer 9 the rAnchneArleolA, sd • dvAuction oFFering red Angus FemAles And ngus FemAles And Bulls with Best in the Breed genetic Bulls with Best in the Breed genetic registered Bred heiFers due in jAnuAry - mArch eiFers due in registered Bred cows due in FeBruAry - mArch ows due in registered Bred cows due in mAy - june ows due in commerciAl Bred heiFers due in mArch eiFers due in Age-AdvAntAged Bulls out oF energize F121, ulls out oF stockmArket e119, high density h558, Blue chip h302, kjl/clzB kirklAnd 8003F, And more! Andmore MAJESTIC RANCH Located on the Missouri River breaks of Gregory County, South Dakota, and consists of 12,660± deeded acres. Highly diversified cattle operation and recreational ranch with excellent improvements and breathtaking views. $26,000,000 WWW.HALLANDHALL.COM SALES | AUCTIONS | FINANCE | MANAGEMENT VIEW MORE REGIONAL LISTINGS ONLINE DRUMMOND SOUTH RANCH 6,850± acre Drummond South Ranch, 4,843± acres leased for a total of 11,693± acres under fence. Grassy hills, large stands of hardwood trees, cattle, and trophy whitetail deer. Just 30 minutes northwest of Tulsa. $18,838,215 NEBRASKA IRRIGATED FARM Located in the Nebraska Sandhills, the farm consists of 4,599± deeded acres with 21 center-pivots irrigating 2,744± acres. Newer center pivots and wells produce 2,000± GPM with no pumping restrictions. $16,950,000 SPUR RANCH The 4,936± acre Spur Ranch, in two separate tracts, is on the southeastern edge of the Kansas Flint Hills. Excellent tallgrass prairie, good water, fences, and trophy whitetail hunting. Mineral rights also available. $12,835,300 BUMPY ROAD RANCH Bumpy Road Ranch has a great mix of recreation and grazing. Truly diverse from dark timber-covered hillsides and draws to open pastures. Mule deer, bighorn sheep, wild turkey, and pronghorn antelope are present. $2,775,000 WHITETAIL FARM Whitetail Farm is located in McPherson County, Nebraska, and consists of 2,080± deeded acres offering ten irrigated center-pivots covering 1,309± irrigated acres and is supported by the world’s second-largest aquifer. $7,950,000