10 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN September 2024 LAURA FIELD | NC EVP RUMINATIONS 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 Phone (402) 475-2333 | Fax (402) 475-0822 nc@necattlemen.org | www.nebraskacattlemen.org NEBRASKA CATTLEMEN STAFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT | Laura Field lfield@necattlemen.org VICE PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION ENGAGEMENT | Melody Benjamin VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING | Jeff Stolle DIRECTOR OF MARKETING | John Roberts DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS | Libby Schaneman DIRECTOR OF PRODUCER EDUCATION | Bonita Lederer DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP-RETENTION | Jessica Rudolph DIRECTOR OF STATE GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS | Matthew Melchor ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER | Kathy Abel OFFICE MANAGER | Ashley McClinton Nebraska Cattleman is published monthly, except for May and July, by the Nebraska Cattlemen, 4611 Cattle Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521 – (402) 475-2333. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGAZINE PRODUCTION: BLUEPRINT MEDIA LLC www.blueprintma.com | ncmag@necattlemen.org EDITOR | Lisa Bard MANAGING EDITOR | Jessie Topp-Becker COPY EDITOR | Larisa Willrett DESIGNER & MATERIALS COORDINATOR | Megan Sajbel Field ADMINISTRATION | Leslie McKibben CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Bill Coe | Natalie Jones STATE & REGIONAL ADVERTISING Amber Coleman | (402) 340-1588 acoleman@necattlemen.org NATIONAL ADVERTISING Wendy McFarland | (334) 271-6100 mcfarlandadvantage@gmail.com Working for Nebraska Beef Producers PASTURE TO PLATE TO PLATE NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN VIEW NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN DIGITAL VERSION BY SCANNING THE QR CODE. SPEAK UP LAURA FIELD | NC EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Part of my graduate assistantship requirement was to complete an internship. As I was considering options, I came across the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association’s David and Lucille Rice Legislative Internship, and I was immediately intrigued. Dave Rice was a legend in Colorado and is the only lobbyist to have a plaque depicting his accomplishments in the Colorado State Capitol. He helped guide many legislative actions as he had the foresight to work to pass laws to protect cattle producers. I was selected to be the intern in 2001, and my mentor in the internship, Danny Williams, spent years learning from Dave Rice. Danny taught me key lessons on advocacy and lobbying. All these years later, I still hear Danny’s voice when engaging in public policy matters. The first lesson he taught me was to always tell the truth. No win is worth compromising your personal values or the values of the group you represent. Second, be able to tell the story in two minutes or less. There is limited time to make a point, so maximize the opportunity. Next, make your point and know the other side of the story when you are asked questions. State your point firmly but be willing to point them in the direction of the other side so they have all the information. Last, be civil and polite. The issue of the moment will pass and there will be another issue to work on, so don’t burn any bridges. You can read NC Director of State Government Affairs Director Matthew Melchor’s update on the 2024 Nebraska special session to address property tax reform on page 28. The fast-paced and ever-changing content reminded me to go back to the basics I learned years ago. When the tension and pressure rise, it is imperative to stand strong and steady in the face of emotion and challenge. Representing the state’s largest industry, Nebraska Cattlemen takes the work we do to give cattle producers a voice at the state, local and federal levels very seriously. Guided by the policy set by the membership, advocacy is key to keeping the cattle business profitable and growing for the next generation. When I told family and friends that I was going to be a lobbyist, I got many questions and interesting looks. Lobbying and special interest are often seen in a negative light when, in truth, it is absolutely the opposite. Every one of us has something we care deeply about. From our churches to social organizations to schools to the associations that represent the interests of our children to the cattle industry, we are all aligned with things that matter most in our lives. If we don’t tell the story of why proposed rules and laws affect our families and our businesses, someone else will. We must use our voices to speak up and tell the right side of the story and fight for the values of the organization. ~NC~ No win is worth compromising your personal values or the values of the group you represent.