September 2024 NEBRASKA CATTLEMAN 51 Find your nearest rep at 1-800-944-7563 | 6080 Bass Lane | Columbia, MO 65201 MORE than Just a Vaccine There’s no way to make money planting them, I’ve yet to see one grow. We background calves, have a history in the cow/calf side, and have a finish feed yard in a GAP4 environment. For the last feeding year period, we handled 5,800 to 6,000 head through here. I just finished doing my audit back in early October and I had 27 treatment records. ENDOVAC was recommended to me by a fellow who feeds and starts quite a number of cattle. He had good luck with it in his system. His system was more high risk than ours. We adopted it into our program because of the immune boost of it. The fact that it makes the vaccines work that we give means we simply just don’t treat cattle. For us, receiving cattle is when we set the tone for the production of our farm. Everything we do from the minute that calf walks off the truck, we will reap the benefit on the other end if we do it properly, or we will be backing up the whole time. Cattle health is extremely important in this process because a treated calf is just costly for us. But if you have a known product, the immune booster, is valid. It is what it is. We also know that the most important thing to cattle when moving is water. You would see a definite difference if you provide fresh clean water or if you don’t. We do, so we don’t know what life is like without it. Same with the ENDOVAC–we use the immune booster. We can’t necessarily tell you that this exact number of calves responded better than others from it, however, we know it is an important component in what we do just as much as fresh water or fresh clean feed to that calf when it is going through a stressful time. The Immune Plus is a huge benefit and we see it from there on throughout the feeding period of that calf remaining healthy, never coming off feed, doesn’t have to be treated, doesn’t fall out of our market share, or simply just never falls behind on a sick day or feeling off. We set the cattle up the best we know how from day one to perform. We can attribute that to ENDOVAC and the process that we use in trying to cover all those bases. 100%...the responsibility where ENDOVAC is in our system, it works, and it helps the other vaccines we use work better. It’s a no brainer for us! –Clay Alexander, –Weems Creek Cattle Co.